
One of the perks of bringing your vehicle in for a detail at GK’s Custom Polishing, Inc. is our high-grade Carnauba wax. This is one of the many ways we are able to bring the exterior of your car back to life and restore your paint’s natural shine. But what makes Carnauba wax so special compared to other types of automotive waxes?

Carnauba wax is harvested from the leaves of the Brazilian palm tree. Palm trees use this wax to protect itself from the suns intense rays. The wax also repels water so it can fall down and be absorbed by the tree’s roots. Palm trees can produce several different grades of Carnauba wax depending on color, purity and region. You can tell the grade of the wax by its color. Yellow wax is the most pure and is commonly found in Brazil’s northern areas.

Wax manufacturers commonly need to mix Carnauba wax with oils or other substances to get it into a liquid form. Carnauba wax is the hardest natural wax known to man which can make it more difficult to work with compared to other car waxes. When a particular car wax advertises “100% carnauba wax”, it is referring to the purity of the original Carnauba, not the amount of Carnauba overall. Most Carnauba waxes are only about 1/3rd Carnauba.

What sets Carnauba wax apart from other automotive waxes is the deep, warm shine that it produces. This has helped to popularize it among car collectors who often look for a showroom quality finish. Although it is more difficult to work with, it is far more effective at restoring the luster and shine of your paint compared to polymer waxes. Another popular option for protecting your paint are automotive paint sealants. While these are commonly effective and last longer than Carnauba wax, they do not create the same warm sheen.

Autogeek has a very helpful guide to help beginners learn how to properly apply wax. Are you looking for help caring for your car, truck, boat, PWC or motorcycle? GK’s Custom Polishing, Inc. gives the most comprehensive detail in the greater Cleveland area. Give us a call at (440) 937-4457 to set up your next appointment. For more information about car care, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.